Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SAMS Learner Tee!

For school as a part of pur SAMS Learner unit we created t-shirts to show what we think a SAMS Learner looks like. I chose to draw something to cover each topics (The explorer, the thinker, the contributer, the self manager and the communicator). I used 'happy' colours and put the SAMS logo onto the shirt. If you have any questions about why I used the colours and words just post a comment...I hope you can see what the picture are supposed to be!
P.S the dude at the bottom, right hand corner is a guy looking at his waatch being a good self-manager.


  1. hi hannah love your t-shirt and I like the description

  2. I love your tee it looks so awesome i think u had heaps of cool colors

  3. It looks really great it is good that you have explained about what you were doing and telling the parts of S.A.M.S. Learner.

