Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It is nearing the end of school and this will probably be my last post. We haven't been doing much recently because it is close to Christmas but actually, we don't really do much work anyway.
Bye people that are weird enough to look at this blog.
Not Yours Sincerely,
Hannah. =)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Speeches...Ahhhhh! I just presented my speech today but I messed it up alot. It was on puberty.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is a story we had to write about what it would be like being in an earthquake. This is an idea formed by the recent Canterbury quake.
I was having a great dream that I had just won an Olympic gold. I dreamt that I won a running race; my little brother had pushed me to the ground in excitement and had started jolting me around. I wake up. I find that my brother really is jolting me around, but then I open my eyes. I see that my little brother isn’t actually in sight but I am still being jolted around really viciously. What is happening?

I jump out of bed, quick! Peering though the window I realise it isn’t just me shaking- It’s the whole world around me. It took me a while to work out what was happening and at last I realise what it is. EARTHQUAKE! I tumble out of bed trying to remember what I was meant to do in a situation like this. That’s it! Get under something stable and FAST. There isn’t really anywhere stable in this old, rickety, five storey farmhouse. But still I wobble over to the door frame, bracing myself. I am wondering what to do next but the earth is still rumbling. I look around to see where mum is.

Looking into the lounge I spot mum cradling my little brother and they’re crouching low under the table. Finally, the shaking dies down and the rumbling silences. At last the worst is over-or so I think. My mum yells at me to go and find somewhere safe to go.

As I step outdoors, the whole world as I knew so well seems so foreign. Everything around me is falling to the ground. Rubble is everywhere. Mum is still cradling my little brother as she stumbles out the door and meets up with me looking through her worried eyes. What to do next?

The world suddenly starts rumbling again and now everything is shaking. Soil starts seeping through the ground once the shaking stops. CRASH! I turn around and see our brick chimney lying dead on the pavement. Taking a guess, I think that it lasted for about 10 seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.

I am feeling a bit sick now, like I have been travelling in the car for too long. But the worst certainly isn’t over, once again the world starts rumbling again. I take the chance to find somewhere safe to cower. Just in time, the whole world is moving like I am in a wild rollercoaster.

Now more people have emerged from their homes. We gather around and we gawped open-mouthed at the freshly ruined homes. It is one memory I will never be able to forget.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The visit from Life Education

The Life Education Trust came to St Andrews Middle for about three weeks and we learnt about growing up and being a teenager. This was to tell us what we needed to beware of as we grew up in this rapidly changing world.

On the first out of three visits we first watched a video called Shadows from the Depth. This was a clip about what happens to the body of a teenager if the take drugs or alcohol. We learnt that were seven stages from childhood to adulthood, the process of this took 7 years and this process was called puberty.

We then went to Harold’s classroom on the second visit. On this visit we started watching a video about the web of addiction with the stories of real life addicts they were hooked with taking alcohol and drugs. After this we played a short game and then talked about what is classified as a drug. We also learnt about how alcohol and drugs can break parents trust with their teenage children.

Our last visit was pretty much to sum up what we had learnt in the time we had been there. We watched the end of the very sad web of addiction video clip. This was the harsh reality of what happens when you are in the web of addiction. It was really something that you just didn’t want to know about but we needed the reality check because it is a fast growing problem with our youth these days. On this visit we also learnt about different types of drugs.

Also on our last visit we finally got to meet Harold and his friend Big ‘G’. and they sang us a song. The message we were constantly being told was DELAY YOUR DECISION!!! The most important thing that I learnt from the three visits is that it just isn’t worth it!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Science fair update

Today I went over to Emma's and we talked about what we are going to do for science fair.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Science Fair

Oops...I've forgotten to write about the science fair...

Thursday: Me and Emma reasearched some history on the candle.
Friday: We put together our notes so we had a paragraph on the history to go on our science fair board.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Science Fair!

I am quite stumped about what to do for my science fair project which is coming up soon but I think I might do an experiment/observation to do with burning two different candles...If you have any ideas please let me know by adding a comment. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SAMS Learner Tee!

For school as a part of pur SAMS Learner unit we created t-shirts to show what we think a SAMS Learner looks like. I chose to draw something to cover each topics (The explorer, the thinker, the contributer, the self manager and the communicator). I used 'happy' colours and put the SAMS logo onto the shirt. If you have any questions about why I used the colours and words just post a comment...I hope you can see what the picture are supposed to be!
P.S the dude at the bottom, right hand corner is a guy looking at his waatch being a good self-manager.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chinese Introduction Video.

We did an introduction of what we have learnt with our Chinese so far-these things are-How to introduce ourselves, how to say our phone number and aslo how to say goodbye. With mine I think I really need to improve on pronouncing the words with the right tones. Though I think I did alright with remembering what to say.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sams Learner

As a S.A.M.S student we have five attributes to being a good Sams Learner and I am going to list my strengths and weaknesses of each attribute.

Self Manager:

Good at:Independent-I am less distracted and will do more work if I am on my own.

Bad at:Not motivated-I often can't be bothered doing any work.


Good at:Logical-I keep my ideas organised.

Bad at:Think for myself- Sometrimes I will just sit and wait for someone to give me the answer.


Good at: Give & take ideas-I'm not afraid to speak out.

Bad at: Sticking to subjeat-I'm often distarcted.


Good at: Challenging myself-I enjoy pursuing my ideas.

Bad at:Taking risk-I get worried I will fail.


Good at: speaks clearly-I have been chosen for things because I speak clearly.

Bad at: Giving sensible ideas-I often get off subject and lose concetration.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Hey everyone!
This is a school blog that I will update about what I am learning and how I am improving with the Chinese language that my class is learning.