Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The visit from Life Education

The Life Education Trust came to St Andrews Middle for about three weeks and we learnt about growing up and being a teenager. This was to tell us what we needed to beware of as we grew up in this rapidly changing world.

On the first out of three visits we first watched a video called Shadows from the Depth. This was a clip about what happens to the body of a teenager if the take drugs or alcohol. We learnt that were seven stages from childhood to adulthood, the process of this took 7 years and this process was called puberty.

We then went to Harold’s classroom on the second visit. On this visit we started watching a video about the web of addiction with the stories of real life addicts they were hooked with taking alcohol and drugs. After this we played a short game and then talked about what is classified as a drug. We also learnt about how alcohol and drugs can break parents trust with their teenage children.

Our last visit was pretty much to sum up what we had learnt in the time we had been there. We watched the end of the very sad web of addiction video clip. This was the harsh reality of what happens when you are in the web of addiction. It was really something that you just didn’t want to know about but we needed the reality check because it is a fast growing problem with our youth these days. On this visit we also learnt about different types of drugs.

Also on our last visit we finally got to meet Harold and his friend Big ‘G’. and they sang us a song. The message we were constantly being told was DELAY YOUR DECISION!!! The most important thing that I learnt from the three visits is that it just isn’t worth it!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Science fair update

Today I went over to Emma's and we talked about what we are going to do for science fair.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Science Fair

Oops...I've forgotten to write about the science fair...

Thursday: Me and Emma reasearched some history on the candle.
Friday: We put together our notes so we had a paragraph on the history to go on our science fair board.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Science Fair!

I am quite stumped about what to do for my science fair project which is coming up soon but I think I might do an experiment/observation to do with burning two different candles...If you have any ideas please let me know by adding a comment. Thanks.